Thursday, April 7, 2011

Student Profile - what data should be collected?

Hi, please see screen for Student Profile in PEPrx ( This will be the basic data collected from the students when they register with PEPrx.
Are there any other pieces of data you would like to have? Is any data on this form not necessary (should be removed from the form)? Please keep in mind that the Immunization Data, Cerfifications, Resume, Places I work(ed) (this is to prevent any rotation to be in their place of work) and anything else will go on other forms. This particular screen is for the basic student info. Any feedback will be helpful.


  1. Hi - My Comments: Dawn

    Under My Profile:
    Instead of Phone and Alternate Phone - I would put either 1. Primary Phone and 2. Secondary Phone or 1. Cell Phone and 2. Emergency Phone

    I would put Campus and graduation year at the top after their Name, and remove the entire section entitled If enrolled in the post bac program.

    For graduation year (i.e. 2003) I would put a more current year, eg. 2014 for the incoming adv standing class.

    If this is for the new curriculum beginning Fall 2011 we do not need info on Post Bac students as they are being phased out and will be in Old PEP. This can be removed:
    If enrolled in the Post Baccalaureate Pharm.D.
    Year you started the program:

    and all the campus sites for PB program.

    West Palm Beach should now be Palm Beach;

    "When on Rotation away, how can we reach you" Change Rotation to APPE as we should not be using the word "rotation"

    Under Immunizations:
    Add Campus or Site

    Update date to 2014

    Can you add or have it automatically put in when the information was last updated? Is it possible to have reminder emails sent to students to check their information once a year and update?

    Instead of "Do you have a Health Insurance", can you put "Do you have Current Health Insurance?" and put name of Provider, e.g. BCBS, Aetna, etc.

    I did not see some of the info you mention - (Cerfifications, Resume, Places I work(ed) - Resume did not come up.

  2. Thanks Dawn - all good points. I will make these changes. The only screen that is "working" is the personal data. All others are not there (just the dead-end links). I will work incrementally...
    The "Immunizations and Certifications" will need much more discussion, but that's next.
    (posted by Jolanta (PEPrx fan).

  3. In response to "do you have current health insurance"; name of provider company is impt. Would we need an expiration date?

    Would we need to added a field for urine drug screens(UDS)?

    I need to digest the thought of the information needed...why and how will it be useful?

    For immunizations, we should consider added Tetanus/diptheria/pertussis (dTap), Influenza and add expiration dates. By this I mean...influenza expires in one year & tetanus/diptheria/pertussin expires in 10 years or 9 years + 364 days).



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