Monday, April 11, 2011

New PEP Profil page

Since the post Bacch program is ending, would the new version of PEP need to include this? Would this new system allow you to add or delete data areas on the profile or any page? Campus - we only have 3 - so I have never understood why all of the others are available on the drop down. As noted by Dawn - remove "rotation" and replace with APPE. Immunization page - How would we know when the information was last added/noted. In particular the health insurance should have a prompt to an academic year. I would also suggest a selection for a background check and to note the date completed - in case this needs to be completed more than once. In the IPPE selection - we should be able to removed the service learning selection and replace it with the Professional Development course title - to anticipate documentation requirements for this course to be added to PEP in the future. bjh


  1. If we added a place for background check, what would checking the box as OK mean? OK that the Background check was done...but what if information revealed at this time had listings of misdeamor, felony, arrest, would this be communicated? In my mind OK that something is done and OK that someone has a clear background check are two different things.

    Do we want the Professional Development course added to PEP since it is not part of Experiential Education? The Deans hour was not part of PEP Online. My vote if asked would be no. For WebCT...YES for the Professional Development Course. Thanks, Holly (AKA FL RunnerGirl)

  2. Hi... I think it will be easier to discuss the requirements for the IMMUNIZATIONS and CERTIFICATIONS form once I create something to show you. The one that is there is just what used to be a part of the Personal Profile; I didn't change anything. I will post the info when I finish this form and we can discuss piece by piece...


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